EtusivuTutustu kouluummeUutisetKansainvälisyysOYK is delighting in international opportunities

OYK is delighting in international opportunities

On the OYK open doors Saturday 11th of January, all our international activities were well represented.

At the moment, we have two Erasmus projects: Kulturkiosk on the upper secondary school side and Augmented Age of Inventions and Discoveries on the lower secondary school side.

Topped off with the opportunities on the upper secondary side for a language and cultural trip to Paris plus a French worklife immersion trip, long term student exchanges to  Berlin, Graz and Taormina, upper secondary French and German language diplomas, and the worldwide SAGE-project, springing up opportunities like the upper secondary course on Chinese history past and present (including a study visit to China), we may conclude: OYK is delighting in international opportunities!
